President's Notes
Due to Nadia's announcement at the last board meeting that she will be leaving the area soon, we are going through a transition period, but hopefully things will settle down soon when people assume their new responsibilities. For information of all TUCA members the board appointed me to act as President (since I was Past-president) until the next elections. I will try to keep tabs on things during this period.
I am glad to announce that the TUCA Spring Meeting took place on Sunday, May 17, 2009 at the home of George and Oksana Makowiec who kindly agreed to host our get together at their yard and/or house.
It was also decided at the board meeting that the web page needs to be accessible for editing by a member of the board who is local in the area. Stefan and Vera have done a great job with firstly setting everything up, and then maintaining the pages, and we owe them a great debt. It was felt though that for regular updates to the web page, it would be more efficient if a local board member had this responsibility, to at least be able to post announcement etc. on a timely basis. Lucy agreed to do this, in addition to her treasury responsibilities.
Submitted by Wally Melnitchouk