Mission Statement

The Tidewater Ukrainian Cultural Association

an association of Ukrainian Americans in Southeastern Virginia

The Tidewater Ukrainian Cultural Association (TUCA) was established in October 1996 when a group of local Americans of varied backgrounds met during the historic visit of two vessels of Ukrainian Naval Forces to the Norfolk Naval Base. From this encounter evolved a desire to form a Ukrainian-American Association in the greater Tidewater area.

We are Americans living in South-Eastern Virginia who are joined by the love of, an interest in and a desire to support independent Ukraine, and who wish to propagate and cultivate the knowledge and appreciation of the thousand year old Ukrainian culture, history and traditions.

Some of us are first generation Ukrainian-Americans still fluent in the Ukrainian language, others are second or third generation descendants with long roots in the United States, but who still retain a love and respect for their heritage. Some are married to Ukrainian spouses or have Ukrainian ancestors somewhere in their family tree, while others have Ukrainian friends or an interest in Ukrainian history and customs and wish to broaden and develop their knowledge.

Our goal is to acquaint the Tidewater community with Ukrainian culture and to promote a greater awareness and understanding of Ukrainian history. We support humanitarian projects, such as shipment of medical supplies and equipment donated by local sources to Ukrainian hospitals.

We extend a welcoming hand of friendship and moral support to visitors from Ukraine, particularly to exchange students, athletes, and Ukrainian military personnel participating in training and exchange programs at the many military installations in Tidewater.

Our activities and programs focus on humanitarian, educational, cultural and social events and the fellowship and friendship we derive from association with others of similar backgrounds and interests.